Curriculum Vitae

Associate Professor Emeritus of Painting and Drawing, Department of Art and Art History, University of Connecticut (1989-2022)
MFA, painting (1986) Columbia University
BFA, painting (1980) University of Connecticut
EXHIBITIONS (selected)
Excavations. Five Points Gallery, Torrrington, CT (2023-2024)
Excavations. Melanie Carr Gallery, Essex, CT (Scheduled for summer 2020, cancelled due to COVID)
Pamela Bramble: Excavation. The Underground Gallery, Collinsville, CT (2018)
Pamela Bramble: Ebb and Flow. Celeste LeWitt Gallery, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT (2017)
Pamela Bramble: Calandra/Lunga Pausa. The Cornwall Library, Cornwall, CT (2016)
8th Annual Berkshire Salon Show. Eclipse Mill Gallery, North Adams, MA (2015)
Pamela Bramble: Tableau. The Underground Gallery, Collinsville, CT (2015)
Figures and Gestures: Boch, Bramble, Myers, Thorpe. Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT (2014)
Bramble and Bramble: Remnants, Glyphs and Palimpsests – New Work. Marie Louise Trichet Art Gallery, Wisdom House, Litchfield, CT (2012)
Bramble and Bramble: Remnants, Glyphs and Palimpsests – Recent Work. Alexey von Schlippe Gallery, Univ of Connecticut, Avery Point, CT (2012)
Bramble and Bramble: Remnants, Glyphs and Palimpsests. Walsh Gallery, Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT (2010)
Bramble and Bramble: Remnants, Glyphs and Palimpsests – Revised. Celeste LeWitt Gallery, Univ of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT (2010)
Pamela Bramble: Palimpsests. Stevens Gallery, Babbidge Library, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT(2008)
Pamela Bramble: Recent Paintings. The Outsiders Art Gallery, Cornwall Bridge, CT (2000)
Bramble/Arresting Moments in Time. The Art Guild, Farmington, CT (1996)
Spiritual Gestures: Bramble, MacDermid and Muirhead. 100 Pearl Gallery, Hartford, CT (1995)
Connecticut Woman’s Show. John Slade Ely House, New Haven, CT (1994)
Archi-texture: Recent Works by Bramble, Roth and Stuart. Gallery of Contemporary Art, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT (1992)
Three for Three: Berling, Bramble, Hermansader. Washington Art Association, Washington Depot, CT (1993)
Ten for Ten. Paessagio Gallery, Hartford, CT (1991)
Annual Faculty Exhibits. William Benton Museum of Art, Storrs, CT (1989- present)
Annual Connecticut Artists Exhibition. The Slater Museum, Norwich, CT (1987, 1990-1994, 1996)
Bramble: Selected Works from the Fresco Series. North Gallery, Torrington, CT (1992)
Small Works Show. Artspace, New Haven, CT (1994)
National Juried Show. Bowery Gallery, New York, New York (1993)
Order/Chaos, Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven, CT (1991)
New Haven/New Work. Artspace, New Haven, CT (1987)
The Educated Eye. Museum of Art Science and Industry, Bridgeport, CT (1987)
Emerging Artists, Gregg Galleries, Gramercy Park, New York, NY (1986)
Bramble: Works on Paper. Myrtle Gallery, Bridgeport, CT (1983)
Benefit/Fundraising Exhibitions
ART Heist. Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT (09/23/2016, 10/26/2019, 11/16/2024)
Art in the Orchards. Shepaug Crossing, Bantam, CT (09.16.2018)
Miracles Art Exhibit and Silent Auction, 100 Pearl Street, Hartford, Ct (1995)
Art is Beneficial. Old State House, Hartford, CT
Synergy: UCONN @ MATT, Mattatuck Museum, Waterbury CT (2016)
Five Points Collegiate Consortium, Nancy Marine Experimental Theater at the Warner, Torrington CT:
Nicolette Karas (2015)
M Amato (2016)
Diana Abouchacra (2017)
Megan Edmondson (2018)
James Keth (2019)
Isabella Saraceni (2019-20)
Student Group Art Exhibitions – Fall, Spring and Summer (2015-present)
ARTS Project, Whitson Gallery and Brick Wall Space, University of Connecticut Torrington Campus
Reliquaries, Florin Firimita (2015)
Free Play: Idea to Object, Tommy Simpson (2015)
Random Order: Recycling Nature, Amelia deNeergaard (2014)
Beyond Image, Juan Moreno (2014)
What’s In There? Richard Heys (2013)
Homelands: The Personal and Collective Landscape Explored, Marlow Shami (2013)
Silver Linings: Literal/Metaphysical, Banjie Nicholas (2012)
a Room with a Muse/& a few Cat Tales: exploring silhouettes with pattern, color, texture, Danielle Mailer (2012)
Mandalas, Francis Patnaude (2011)
Free Play: Idea to Object, Tommy Simpson (2011)
Yellow-ware: The Other Historical Pottery, Reggie DeLarme (2011)
Continuous Present, Jo-Ann Iannotti (2010)
Translations, Elizabeth McDonald (2010)
Underlines, Karen LaFleur (2009)
Artist Residency, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson VT( Sept 8- Sept 26 2024)
Nominee, Faculty Recognition Award, Stamford Campus, University of Connecticut (May 2019)
Panelist, “Who Is the Real subject of the Portrait? Sitter? Society? Artist?” The Salon at the Benton - Art and Conversation, moderated by Veronica Makowski (Professor, English), fellow panelists Susan Spiggle (Professor, Business),Michael Bradford (Professor, Drama), William Benton Museum of Art, Storrs (03.01.2019)
Collaborator, Digitizing the Paper Trail: Enslaved and Freedpeople in the Making of the Spanish Empire, STEAM Project. Awarded funding by the Research Excellence Program for 2019-2020; with Dr. Laura Bunyan, Assistant Professor in Residence, Department of Sociology, University of Connecticut; Adriana Maria Martinez Aguirre, Historian of the Spanish Empire, Paleography Spanish XVI-XVII Century, Graduate of Universidad del Valle, Colombia; Dr. Ricardo Raul Salazar-Rey, Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Connecticut; Jenifer Rojas Orellana, Undergraduate, Department of History, University of Connecticut; Yefri Gaitan Rosales, Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science, Columbia University; Christie Sillo, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Sociology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.(2018-present)
Moderator, Artists’ Conversation with Mazzocca (Prints), Nazari (Remnants) and Werner (Hope/Hopeless), Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT (10.6.2017)
Moderator, Artists’ Conversation with Tim Prentice (Gone With the Wind), Edith Skiba Lamonica; (Elemental Rhythms) and Baker, Cullers, Dubenspeck, Heifetz, Manning, Schlatter and Vensel; (Personal Territories) , Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT (03.10.2017)
Presenter, Annual Community Critique Day, Five Points Collegiate Consortium (members UCONN, NWCC, Hartford Art School and Five Points Visual Arts Center, Torrington CT (2016-present)
Juror, Connecticut Watercolor Society, West Hartford League, West Hartford, CT (01.2016)
Moderator, Artists’ Conversation, Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT (02.21.2014)
Juror, Member’s Show, West Hartford League, West Hartford, CT (10.2014)
Juror, New Harford Art League (2006)
Nominee, University of Connecticut Alumni Association Teaching Award (1994)
Nominee, University of Connecticut Teaching Fellow (1993, 1994)
TV Interview, The Fairfield Exchange, Cablevision 12, Norwalk, CT (September 28, 1992)
Panel Leader, Women in the Arts, Women Speak Out Symposium, University of Connecticut, Torrington Campus, Torrington, CT (May 17, 1992)
Recipient, Research Foundation Grant, travel to Italy. "An Inquiry Into and Comparison of the Surface Qualities of the Frescoes of Giotto di Bondoni, Cimabue, Piero della Francesca and Their Followers," University of Connecticut (1990)
Recipient, Gold Medallion Award, Emerging Artists Exhibition. Gregg Galleries at Gramercy Park, NYC (1986)
Three in Search of the Spiritual, New York Times, CN p.12 (April 16, 1995)
A Pearl of an Exhibit, Hartford Advocate (March 23, 1995)
Time is a Real Abstraction for Artist, The Taconic, Cover Story p. 3 (Dec 31,1992-January 3, 1993)
Pam Bramble: Expressing herself on canvas, The Register Citizen, Arts and Entertainment p. 19 (February 20, 1992)
Three Artists Color Canvases with Deep Wells of Emotion, Hartford Courant (1992)
Paessagio Gallery/Hartford - Ten for Ten, Art New England, vol.12, No.7, p. 30 (August 11, 1991)
New Gallery in Hartford Offers Varied Works by 10 Artists, The New York Times, CN p. 16 (August 11, 1991)
Exhibit's Easy Feeling Spotlights 10 Artists, The Hartford Courant, Section G, p. 64 (July 17, 1991)
University of Connecticut
Private collections in Boston, California, Connecticut, Maryland, New York, Rhode Island, Washington DC
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of fine Arts, University of Connecticut, Storrs CT (2006-2007)
President, University of Connecticut Chapter of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society (2011, 2013-2014); Executive Committee Member (2006-2014)
President, University of Connecticut Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (2004-2005); Vice President (2003-2004: member of the Executive Board (1999-2006).
Member, University Senate Executive Committee, University of Connecticut (2008-20011;2015-2022)
Chair, Faculty Standards Committee, University Senate, University of Connecticut (2007-2008; member 2001-2015).
Member, UConn's Faculty Speakers Bureau; topics include From Mimesis to Abstraction: The Evolution of Abstract Art in the Western Art Tradition; The Spanish and Latino Artists Velazquez, Goya, Picasso, Kahlo, Rivera; Understanding The Unfamiliar: Why is That Called Art?: The Language of Art: How to Look at and Appreciate Visual Art.
ART 1000 Art Appreciation (on-line)
ART 1010 Foundation: Studio Concepts
ART 1030 Drawing I
ART 1030 (Honors) Drawing I
ART 1040 Drawing II
ART 2310 Foundation Studio: Painting
ART 3991 Internship
ART 3999 (299) Independent Study
ARTH 1137 Introduction to Art History: Prehistory - 14th century
ARTH 1138 Introduction to Art History: 15th century – Present
ARTH 3445 Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
ARTH 3445W Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
ARTH 3510 Modern Art
ARTH 3530 Contemporary Art
ART 3999 Independent Study
GS 296 BGS Internship
GS 299 Independent Study
Area Coordinator, Department of Art and Art History, Stamford Campus (2018-present)
Coordinator, Start Art in Stamford (2017-present), Start Art in Waterbury (2015-2017)
Member, University Senate Executive Committee (2008-2011; 2015 - 2019)
President (2011, 2013-2014), Vice-President (2010-2011, 2018-2019) and Executive Committee member,
(2006-2014, 2018-present), Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, University of Connecticut Chapter
Member, Provost’s Outstanding Service Award Committee (2018, 2019)
Reviewer, IDEA Grant Competition (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
Member, AAUP Representative Assembly (2015-2017)
Co-Chair, Common Schedule Task Force (2015-2016)
Chair, #SpeakOutDemocracy: An Open Forum on Democracy in America Today, Waterbury Campus (12.2016)
Chair (2019) and committee member, (2016-2019) Nominating Committee, University Senate
Member, Regional Campus Student Welfare Task Force (2015-2016)
Coordinating Director, The ARTS Project, Torrington Campus (2009- 2015)
Chair (2007- 2008) and committee member, (2001-2015), Faculty Standards Committee, University Senate
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Fine Arts (2006-2007)
President 2005), Vice (2004- President (2003-2004) and Executive Board member, (1999-2006), American Association of University Professors, University of Connecticut Chapter
Academic Hearing Officer, Torrington campus (1994-2010)
Member, On-line Course Grant Initiative and Course Evaluation Committee (2010)
Member, Summer and Intersession Faculty Oversight Committee (2006-2007)
Chair, Tri-Campus Task Force (2006-2007)
Chair, Organizational and Governance (Standard 3) NEASC Self-Study Committee (2005-2006)
Member, Tri-Campus Advisory Board, Tri-Campus (2002-2006)
Member, BGS Steering Committee (2006)
BGS Faculty Coordinator, Torrington Campus (2006)
Member of University Faculty Speakers Bureau, Topics: From Mimesis to Abstraction: Evolution of Abstract Art in the Western Art Tradition; Spanish and Latino Artists Velazquez, Goya, Picasso, Kahlo, Rivera; Understanding The Unfamiliar: Why Is That Called Art?; The Language of Art: How to Look at and Appreciate
American Association of University Professors
College Art Association
Northwest Connecticut Arts Council
Director, Carlson Art Gallery, Bernhard Center, University of Bridgeport (1984-1986)
Adjunct Faculty, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT (1984-1986)
Studios in Torrington Connecticut and Peacham Vermont
Travels throughout the United States; France, Italy, Ireland, England, Central America and Mexico
Married, two children
MFA, painting (1986) Columbia University
BFA, painting (1980) University of Connecticut
EXHIBITIONS (selected)
Excavations. Five Points Gallery, Torrrington, CT (2023-2024)
Excavations. Melanie Carr Gallery, Essex, CT (Scheduled for summer 2020, cancelled due to COVID)
Pamela Bramble: Excavation. The Underground Gallery, Collinsville, CT (2018)
Pamela Bramble: Ebb and Flow. Celeste LeWitt Gallery, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT (2017)
Pamela Bramble: Calandra/Lunga Pausa. The Cornwall Library, Cornwall, CT (2016)
8th Annual Berkshire Salon Show. Eclipse Mill Gallery, North Adams, MA (2015)
Pamela Bramble: Tableau. The Underground Gallery, Collinsville, CT (2015)
Figures and Gestures: Boch, Bramble, Myers, Thorpe. Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT (2014)
Bramble and Bramble: Remnants, Glyphs and Palimpsests – New Work. Marie Louise Trichet Art Gallery, Wisdom House, Litchfield, CT (2012)
Bramble and Bramble: Remnants, Glyphs and Palimpsests – Recent Work. Alexey von Schlippe Gallery, Univ of Connecticut, Avery Point, CT (2012)
Bramble and Bramble: Remnants, Glyphs and Palimpsests. Walsh Gallery, Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT (2010)
Bramble and Bramble: Remnants, Glyphs and Palimpsests – Revised. Celeste LeWitt Gallery, Univ of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT (2010)
Pamela Bramble: Palimpsests. Stevens Gallery, Babbidge Library, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT(2008)
Pamela Bramble: Recent Paintings. The Outsiders Art Gallery, Cornwall Bridge, CT (2000)
Bramble/Arresting Moments in Time. The Art Guild, Farmington, CT (1996)
Spiritual Gestures: Bramble, MacDermid and Muirhead. 100 Pearl Gallery, Hartford, CT (1995)
Connecticut Woman’s Show. John Slade Ely House, New Haven, CT (1994)
Archi-texture: Recent Works by Bramble, Roth and Stuart. Gallery of Contemporary Art, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT (1992)
Three for Three: Berling, Bramble, Hermansader. Washington Art Association, Washington Depot, CT (1993)
Ten for Ten. Paessagio Gallery, Hartford, CT (1991)
Annual Faculty Exhibits. William Benton Museum of Art, Storrs, CT (1989- present)
Annual Connecticut Artists Exhibition. The Slater Museum, Norwich, CT (1987, 1990-1994, 1996)
Bramble: Selected Works from the Fresco Series. North Gallery, Torrington, CT (1992)
Small Works Show. Artspace, New Haven, CT (1994)
National Juried Show. Bowery Gallery, New York, New York (1993)
Order/Chaos, Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven, CT (1991)
New Haven/New Work. Artspace, New Haven, CT (1987)
The Educated Eye. Museum of Art Science and Industry, Bridgeport, CT (1987)
Emerging Artists, Gregg Galleries, Gramercy Park, New York, NY (1986)
Bramble: Works on Paper. Myrtle Gallery, Bridgeport, CT (1983)
Benefit/Fundraising Exhibitions
ART Heist. Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT (09/23/2016, 10/26/2019, 11/16/2024)
Art in the Orchards. Shepaug Crossing, Bantam, CT (09.16.2018)
Miracles Art Exhibit and Silent Auction, 100 Pearl Street, Hartford, Ct (1995)
Art is Beneficial. Old State House, Hartford, CT
Synergy: UCONN @ MATT, Mattatuck Museum, Waterbury CT (2016)
Five Points Collegiate Consortium, Nancy Marine Experimental Theater at the Warner, Torrington CT:
Nicolette Karas (2015)
M Amato (2016)
Diana Abouchacra (2017)
Megan Edmondson (2018)
James Keth (2019)
Isabella Saraceni (2019-20)
Student Group Art Exhibitions – Fall, Spring and Summer (2015-present)
ARTS Project, Whitson Gallery and Brick Wall Space, University of Connecticut Torrington Campus
Reliquaries, Florin Firimita (2015)
Free Play: Idea to Object, Tommy Simpson (2015)
Random Order: Recycling Nature, Amelia deNeergaard (2014)
Beyond Image, Juan Moreno (2014)
What’s In There? Richard Heys (2013)
Homelands: The Personal and Collective Landscape Explored, Marlow Shami (2013)
Silver Linings: Literal/Metaphysical, Banjie Nicholas (2012)
a Room with a Muse/& a few Cat Tales: exploring silhouettes with pattern, color, texture, Danielle Mailer (2012)
Mandalas, Francis Patnaude (2011)
Free Play: Idea to Object, Tommy Simpson (2011)
Yellow-ware: The Other Historical Pottery, Reggie DeLarme (2011)
Continuous Present, Jo-Ann Iannotti (2010)
Translations, Elizabeth McDonald (2010)
Underlines, Karen LaFleur (2009)
Artist Residency, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson VT( Sept 8- Sept 26 2024)
Nominee, Faculty Recognition Award, Stamford Campus, University of Connecticut (May 2019)
Panelist, “Who Is the Real subject of the Portrait? Sitter? Society? Artist?” The Salon at the Benton - Art and Conversation, moderated by Veronica Makowski (Professor, English), fellow panelists Susan Spiggle (Professor, Business),Michael Bradford (Professor, Drama), William Benton Museum of Art, Storrs (03.01.2019)
Collaborator, Digitizing the Paper Trail: Enslaved and Freedpeople in the Making of the Spanish Empire, STEAM Project. Awarded funding by the Research Excellence Program for 2019-2020; with Dr. Laura Bunyan, Assistant Professor in Residence, Department of Sociology, University of Connecticut; Adriana Maria Martinez Aguirre, Historian of the Spanish Empire, Paleography Spanish XVI-XVII Century, Graduate of Universidad del Valle, Colombia; Dr. Ricardo Raul Salazar-Rey, Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Connecticut; Jenifer Rojas Orellana, Undergraduate, Department of History, University of Connecticut; Yefri Gaitan Rosales, Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science, Columbia University; Christie Sillo, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Sociology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.(2018-present)
Moderator, Artists’ Conversation with Mazzocca (Prints), Nazari (Remnants) and Werner (Hope/Hopeless), Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT (10.6.2017)
Moderator, Artists’ Conversation with Tim Prentice (Gone With the Wind), Edith Skiba Lamonica; (Elemental Rhythms) and Baker, Cullers, Dubenspeck, Heifetz, Manning, Schlatter and Vensel; (Personal Territories) , Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT (03.10.2017)
Presenter, Annual Community Critique Day, Five Points Collegiate Consortium (members UCONN, NWCC, Hartford Art School and Five Points Visual Arts Center, Torrington CT (2016-present)
Juror, Connecticut Watercolor Society, West Hartford League, West Hartford, CT (01.2016)
Moderator, Artists’ Conversation, Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT (02.21.2014)
Juror, Member’s Show, West Hartford League, West Hartford, CT (10.2014)
Juror, New Harford Art League (2006)
Nominee, University of Connecticut Alumni Association Teaching Award (1994)
Nominee, University of Connecticut Teaching Fellow (1993, 1994)
TV Interview, The Fairfield Exchange, Cablevision 12, Norwalk, CT (September 28, 1992)
Panel Leader, Women in the Arts, Women Speak Out Symposium, University of Connecticut, Torrington Campus, Torrington, CT (May 17, 1992)
Recipient, Research Foundation Grant, travel to Italy. "An Inquiry Into and Comparison of the Surface Qualities of the Frescoes of Giotto di Bondoni, Cimabue, Piero della Francesca and Their Followers," University of Connecticut (1990)
Recipient, Gold Medallion Award, Emerging Artists Exhibition. Gregg Galleries at Gramercy Park, NYC (1986)
Three in Search of the Spiritual, New York Times, CN p.12 (April 16, 1995)
A Pearl of an Exhibit, Hartford Advocate (March 23, 1995)
Time is a Real Abstraction for Artist, The Taconic, Cover Story p. 3 (Dec 31,1992-January 3, 1993)
Pam Bramble: Expressing herself on canvas, The Register Citizen, Arts and Entertainment p. 19 (February 20, 1992)
Three Artists Color Canvases with Deep Wells of Emotion, Hartford Courant (1992)
Paessagio Gallery/Hartford - Ten for Ten, Art New England, vol.12, No.7, p. 30 (August 11, 1991)
New Gallery in Hartford Offers Varied Works by 10 Artists, The New York Times, CN p. 16 (August 11, 1991)
Exhibit's Easy Feeling Spotlights 10 Artists, The Hartford Courant, Section G, p. 64 (July 17, 1991)
University of Connecticut
Private collections in Boston, California, Connecticut, Maryland, New York, Rhode Island, Washington DC
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of fine Arts, University of Connecticut, Storrs CT (2006-2007)
President, University of Connecticut Chapter of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society (2011, 2013-2014); Executive Committee Member (2006-2014)
President, University of Connecticut Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (2004-2005); Vice President (2003-2004: member of the Executive Board (1999-2006).
Member, University Senate Executive Committee, University of Connecticut (2008-20011;2015-2022)
Chair, Faculty Standards Committee, University Senate, University of Connecticut (2007-2008; member 2001-2015).
Member, UConn's Faculty Speakers Bureau; topics include From Mimesis to Abstraction: The Evolution of Abstract Art in the Western Art Tradition; The Spanish and Latino Artists Velazquez, Goya, Picasso, Kahlo, Rivera; Understanding The Unfamiliar: Why is That Called Art?: The Language of Art: How to Look at and Appreciate Visual Art.
ART 1000 Art Appreciation (on-line)
ART 1010 Foundation: Studio Concepts
ART 1030 Drawing I
ART 1030 (Honors) Drawing I
ART 1040 Drawing II
ART 2310 Foundation Studio: Painting
ART 3991 Internship
ART 3999 (299) Independent Study
ARTH 1137 Introduction to Art History: Prehistory - 14th century
ARTH 1138 Introduction to Art History: 15th century – Present
ARTH 3445 Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
ARTH 3445W Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
ARTH 3510 Modern Art
ARTH 3530 Contemporary Art
ART 3999 Independent Study
GS 296 BGS Internship
GS 299 Independent Study
Area Coordinator, Department of Art and Art History, Stamford Campus (2018-present)
Coordinator, Start Art in Stamford (2017-present), Start Art in Waterbury (2015-2017)
Member, University Senate Executive Committee (2008-2011; 2015 - 2019)
President (2011, 2013-2014), Vice-President (2010-2011, 2018-2019) and Executive Committee member,
(2006-2014, 2018-present), Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, University of Connecticut Chapter
Member, Provost’s Outstanding Service Award Committee (2018, 2019)
Reviewer, IDEA Grant Competition (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
Member, AAUP Representative Assembly (2015-2017)
Co-Chair, Common Schedule Task Force (2015-2016)
Chair, #SpeakOutDemocracy: An Open Forum on Democracy in America Today, Waterbury Campus (12.2016)
Chair (2019) and committee member, (2016-2019) Nominating Committee, University Senate
Member, Regional Campus Student Welfare Task Force (2015-2016)
Coordinating Director, The ARTS Project, Torrington Campus (2009- 2015)
Chair (2007- 2008) and committee member, (2001-2015), Faculty Standards Committee, University Senate
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Fine Arts (2006-2007)
President 2005), Vice (2004- President (2003-2004) and Executive Board member, (1999-2006), American Association of University Professors, University of Connecticut Chapter
Academic Hearing Officer, Torrington campus (1994-2010)
Member, On-line Course Grant Initiative and Course Evaluation Committee (2010)
Member, Summer and Intersession Faculty Oversight Committee (2006-2007)
Chair, Tri-Campus Task Force (2006-2007)
Chair, Organizational and Governance (Standard 3) NEASC Self-Study Committee (2005-2006)
Member, Tri-Campus Advisory Board, Tri-Campus (2002-2006)
Member, BGS Steering Committee (2006)
BGS Faculty Coordinator, Torrington Campus (2006)
Member of University Faculty Speakers Bureau, Topics: From Mimesis to Abstraction: Evolution of Abstract Art in the Western Art Tradition; Spanish and Latino Artists Velazquez, Goya, Picasso, Kahlo, Rivera; Understanding The Unfamiliar: Why Is That Called Art?; The Language of Art: How to Look at and Appreciate
American Association of University Professors
College Art Association
Northwest Connecticut Arts Council
Director, Carlson Art Gallery, Bernhard Center, University of Bridgeport (1984-1986)
Adjunct Faculty, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT (1984-1986)
Studios in Torrington Connecticut and Peacham Vermont
Travels throughout the United States; France, Italy, Ireland, England, Central America and Mexico
Married, two children